Proficient in HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, MERN, MySQl
I have used my time and experience in the University of Arizona web development bootcamp to hone my skills in leading technologies with a focus on the MERN stack.
In my free time I spend time with my children, hike the mountains of Arizona, and travel.
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
- Albert Einstein
A sample of work I have completed individually and in a group. Please click the image to view the application.
A macronutrient calculating app focusing on fronte end technologies
A front end app using AJAX to call third part API and return data to the client. Dynamically rendered page.
A front end app using Local Storage for persistance.
Application allows users to enter in their custom burger and "Devour it". Deployed to Heroku. Using MySQL and RESTful API.
Full stack app completed with a team. My focus was back end using sequelize to query our database and return customized information to the client. RESTful API calls.
Please try for yourself!
Username: PW:1234
Full stack application focusing on CRUD operators when calling the database.